Proposal One-Liner: Creating a new ‘Supervision Form’ in the cases form of Ukraine Inter-Agency Primero CPIMS+ to streamline case plan approval and service monitoring for supervisors.
Value Proposition: The proposed Supervision Form will enhance efficiency by consolidating data from case plans, services, and follow-ups into a single tab or form. This real-time integration will save supervisors time and reduce cognitive load, improving overall case management.
Brief Explanation: Supervisors in Ukraine are responsible for approving case plans and monitoring service delivery. Currently, they must navigate between three separate forms (case plan, services, and follow-up), leading to inefficiencies and increased workload. This proposal suggests creating a single tab or form that integrates data from all three forms in real time. This will streamline the supervision process, reducing the need for constant switching between forms and helping supervisors focus on service tracking and decision-making. Given that each supervisor manages approximately 100 cases (supervising 5-6 case workers with 20-25 open cases each), this change will significantly improve their workflow.
Acceptance Criteria:
- A new ‘Supervision Form’ is integrated within the cases form of Ukraine IA CPIMS+.
- The form consolidates real-time data from case plans, services, and follow-ups main forms including fields from those forms, sub-forms, and fields from the sub-forms of e.g. interventions, services, etc.
- Supervisors can approve case plans and monitor services without switching between multiple forms.
- The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, requiring minimal training.
- The implementation does not disrupt existing case management processes.
Time Estimation:
- Requirement specification: 2 weeks
- Testing and quality assurance after deployment: 2 weeks
Risk Estimation:
- Data synchronization issues between forms.
- Supervisors may require training to adapt to the new workflow which can be done through a tutorial video or an online session to also gather feedback.
Proposal Stakeholders:
- Supervisors: Primary users who will benefit from streamlined workflows.
- Case Workers: accelerated response from supervisors.
- System Administrators: Responsible for implementing and maintaining the new form.
- Other contexts: to adopt the new form if found relevant