Link numbers under reports to the their specific case files to quickly help locate records with incomplete data

Proposal one-liner:
Aims to link numbers in reports to their specific case files, enabling quick identification and retrieval of records with incomplete data for improved accuracy and efficiency.

Value proposition:

  1. Increased Efficiency in Data Retrieval and data cleaning. Instead of manually search through large volumes of records to identify the record with the missing data, staff can instantly access the relevant case file with a single click, saving valuable time thus reducing back and forth burden to locate the specific case file.
  2. This will faster identification of Data Gaps. Linked numbers will allow case managers and data teams to quickly locate case files with incomplete or missing information. This will speed up the process of identifying and correcting inconsistencies, ensuring more accurate and complete reporting.
    Brief explanation
    Aims to improve data traceability and accuracy by linking reported numbers in various child protection reports to their corresponding case files within the CPIMS+ system. This initiative will allow caseworkers, data managers, and other stakeholders to quickly locate records with incomplete or inconsistent data, ensuring timely updates and corrections.
    Acceptance criteria
  3. 100% Linkage Between Numbers and Case Files
  4. Reduction in Data Retrieval Time
  5. Data Accuracy Improvement

Time estimation
As soon as possible
Risk estimation

Proposal Stakeholders

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There is some work in the pipeline to have “drill down” reports, in which the data values represented in the report are linked to the records, Clicking on the link would produce a list of the records from which that report data is drawn. I think this might meet some of your needs. What do you think?

Exactly, Robert. This approach will significantly streamline the process of identifying records with gaps, facilitating timely and efficient data cleaning.