Proposal one-liner:
Aims to implement a feature in the home dashboard that displays assigned cases awaiting acceptance, streamlining the case management process and enhancing visibility for case workers. As at now this has been a challenge for the case workers to locate the assigned case by the managers unless the manager sends the individual number to that specific caseworker that the case has been a signed to.
Value proposition:
This will enhance the home dashboard by providing a dedicated section for assigned cases awaiting acceptance. This will allows case workers to easily track and prioritize pending assigned cases, leading to more efficient case handling and timely responses.
Brief explanation
Aims to enhance the CPIMS+ by introducing a streamlined feature for managing assigned cases that are awaiting acceptance. The purpose is to improve case management efficiency, increase ease to locate cases assigned to case workers in the dashboard, ensure timely follow-up, and facilitate better collaboration among child protection workers.
Acceptance criteria
Time estimation
Risk estimation
Proposal Stakeholders